General Contracting Conditions (hereinafter, the Website) is a website owned by FACTOR IDEAS INTEGRAL SERVICES, S.L., hereinafter THE OWNER, with CIF / NIF Nº.: B95308367 and registered office at: Calle Colón De Larreátegui, 26-1o, C.P. 48009 - Bilbao (Bizkaia).

The access, reproduction and use of the services of the Web requires the prior acceptance of the current Conditions at any time; THE OWNER reserves the right to modify said Conditions when it deems appropriate, by publishing the new text on the Web.

It is the responsibility of the user to know the Conditions before accessing the products and services of the Web; In case of not being satisfied with them, we beg you, refrain from using it.

If you have any query regarding the clauses contained in this Conditions, you can contact THE OWNER, writing to the following e-mail:


The Web is a work composed of various integrated and inseparable elements (text, illustrations, photographs, animated images, videos, computer programs, including html codes of the website, etc.), whose Intellectual Property corresponds to THE OWNER, except with regard to those materials obtained under license from third parties.

THE OWNER and its licensors retain at all times the Intellectual Property on the Web and on the different elements that compose it, individually considered, in all the copies made (whatever the medium to which they are incorporated), granting on them only the rights of use that are described below. Any right that is not expressly assigned is understood to be reserved.

In addition to the above, THE OWNER is responsible for the selection, design of the structure and layout of the contents of the Website, as well as who has taken the initiative and assumed the risk of making substantial investments aimed at obtaining, digitizing and presenting of the same, corresponding, therefore, the protection that Article 12 and Title VIII of Book II of the Intellectual Property Law may grant on the website, considered as a database.

THE OWNER is also the sole owner of the graphic design and image of the Web, reserving the pertinent legal actions that may correspond against the persons who perform imitations or unfair uses thereof.


It is allowed:

• Web browsing, that is, access and display of the same in a device, being authorized any temporary oraccessory reproduction, provided that it is not voluntary and forms an integral and essential part of thetechnology transmission process. Browsing certain sections of the Web requires prior registration.

• Benefit (after registration) of the services and advantages provided by THE OWNER through theWebsite to its users, under the conditions expressly indicated in the different sections.

It is strictly prohibited:

• Any operations regarding the Web, its contents, downloaded products and copies of all of them that arecontrary to the Law, good customs and good faith.

• Any use outside the personal and private sphere, especially those that have commercial or professionalpurposes, including the sending of advertising or messages and the collection and processing of datafrom third parties.

• Any type of extraction, public communication and / or transmission, total or partial, by any means,outside the private scope of permitted use and, especially, its incorporation to any other work, including

web pages, collections or databases. The publication in media of the materials susceptible todownloading the Press Room section is exempt from this prohibition.

• The removal, concealment or falsification of notices and warnings about the Intellectual or IndustrialProperty of the Web or any of the products provided through it.

• The operations and activities expressly prohibited in any other sections of these General Conditionsand, in general, any that may prejudice the normal functioning of the Website, to other users or to anythird party.


It is authorized the establishment of links and hyperlinks to the Web from other pages or websites, provided that they are not made in a way that harms the public and brand image of THE OWNER, the Web or any of the people and products to which reference is made in it. In the establishment of links to the Web, the use of techniques that imply confusion over the identity and ownership of the contents, such as framing or others, is expressly prohibited.

Is prohibited the establishment of links from websites or pages whose contents promote or advocate, directly or indirectly, any type of violence, discrimination, pornography or illegal activity. Likewise, the establishment of links for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

In the creation of the links is expressly forbidden the use of elements extracted from the Web, without the prior and express consent of THE OWNER.

Under no circumstances may links to the Website from third party websites or websites imply relations between THE OWNER and their owners, nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by THE OWNER about them, so THE OWNER does not will be responsible at all regarding its content and lawfulness.


As a client or user of the Website, you agree to make appropriate use of the content and services offered through it and not to use them to:

1. Engage in illicit activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.

2. Disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature that advocatesterrorism or violates human rights.

3. Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of THE OWNER, its suppliers or third parties,introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely tocause the aforementioned damage.

4. Disseminate contents that attempt against the image and reputation of THE OWNER or third parties.

5. Attempt against the rights of Intellectual Property, Industrial, image, honor or others that correspond to

THE OWNER or third parties.THE OWNER will have full freedom of decision on whether thecollaborations and messages are finally published on the Web or not, being entitled to withdraw them when deemed appropriate.

The infringement of any of the rules contained in these Terms of Use and, most especially, of the provisions of this clause, will entitle THE OWNER to terminate it immediately as a user or subscriber of the Website.


You can perform two fundamental actions through this Web platform:

• Calculate your carbon footprint.

• Compensate the tons of CO2 generated or emitted, investing or acquiring rights, with respect to participations in projects that seek to reduce the impact of climate change on our planet.

If you want to offset your carbon footprint, you can enter or use the same amounts previously calculated, or select or designate others, so that both procedures or actions are independent of each other.

Once the project has been selected, as well as the tons of CO2 to be compensated and their equivalence in economic terms (it will be shown in the currency selected on the Web platform by the user), the payment platform will be given, in accordance with the specifications contained in the "Payment methods" clause of these Conditions.


Once you have calculated your carbon footprint and select the project, you must introduce your identifying data and payment information, to compensate your CO2 footprint, through the following payment methods:

• By credit card - Throughthe safe payment platform.


THE OWNER informs you that if you make a monetary investment, in a specific project, for which it is not possible to purchase more tons of CO2, the amounts selected to carry out the compensation will be reassigned to another project of equal or similar nature, which will be indicated electronically to the user, so that he is aware of the project to which his contribution will ultimately be allocated.


Under the provisions of art. 103. a) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 approving the consolidated version of the General Law for the protection of consumers and users and other supplementary laws the Law on Consumers and Users, the user understands and accepts that once the contribution to compensate the tons of CO2 emitted or generated, begins the provision of the service by THE OWNER, not being possible the exercise of withdrawal right by user.

The exception regulated in this section, to the application of the right of withdrawal, once the acquisition / contribution of the user has been made, will imply the non-return of the monetary amounts used to compensate the carbon footprint generated or previously calculated by user.


The information or personal data you provide us will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy. By making use of this web page, the processing of said information and data is consented and it is declared that all the information or data that you provide us are true and correspond to reality.


THE OWNER reserves the right to make, without prior notice, the modifications it deems appropriate on the Web, may change, delete or add both the content and services provided through it, as the way in which they appear presented or located.

Although THE OWNER will make its best efforts to keep the information contained in the Web updated and free of errors, does not offer any guarantee regarding its accuracy and updating. Neither is it possible to obtain any result or specific purpose, so access to and use of the Website is the exclusive responsibility of the users and customers.


THE OWNER will pursue the breach of these Terms of Use, as well as any improper use of the Website or its contents, the infractions of the rights that correspond to it or its licensors, especially those of Intellectual and Industrial Property, exercising all the actions, civil and criminal, that may correspond to it in Law.


These Conditions will be interpreted according to Spanish Law. In order to resolve any dispute in relation with these terms, the parties subject themselves to the jurisdiction of the judges and courts of THE OWNER’S registered office.