What is a carbon footprint?
Every action, no matter how small, has a specific impact on the climate. Electricity consumed, energy used for air conditioning, transportation are all examples of activities that directly impact the climate, thus contributing to climate change.
A carbon footprint measures this impact which allows us to understand its origin and therefore be able to reduce it. For this reason, a carbon footprint, measured in tons of carbon (tCO2e), is a way of identifying an impact’s contribution to climate change ultimately making it possible reduce the impact.
What is emissions offsetting?
Although greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are generated in a specific place, they are dispersed into the atmosphere at a global scale. Therefore, GHG emissions in Spain have the same effect as emissions produced in any other place on the planet.
There are projects that contribute to the reduction of emissions, such as the production of renewably sourced electricity. However, it is not always possible to carry out these types of projects. When it is not possible, carbon offsetting is the solution. Through collaboration, the development of emission reduction projects can be developed.
Carbon offsetting projects are guaranteed and recognized under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol (CDM), supported by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).